Over the past year or so, ESRI has really revamped their online Support Center making it more friendly and useful. I was just checking it out tonight and saw a couple new things that are worth a look.
There is a new Support AnswerTree(Beta). This tool helps resolve a lot of the common problems encountered when licensing and registering ESRI software. You'll need Adobe Flash Player 9 to see it and it can be found on the main Support Center link.
Finally, don't forget, the entire ArcGIS Desktop Help is now online. This is the best place to go for regular desktop-type help since it is constantly being updated - unlike the desktop help you get when you press f1 while ArcMap or ArcCatalog is open. Not to mention you have the entire Support Center right at your finger tips when using the online desktop help.
If you don't use the ESRI Support Center, it comes highly recommended. The above are just a few of the newer parts of the site. Take some time to check it all out. There are User Forums, the Knowledge Base, Downloads and more.